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Winterize Your Car in Florida

Winterize Your Car in Florida

  • Posted by: Bruce
  • Category: News
Santa Claus Winterize Car in Florida

Yes, even though we live in Florida we still need to ensure our car is prepared for cooler weather. Are you a snowbird, maybe living in the Villages or another retirement community in Florida? Coming south for the winter still means your car should be prepared.

To winterize your car in Florida, you’ll want to ensure it’s prepared for colder temperatures, even though they are generally mild in Florida. Here are a few tips:

1. Check your antifreeze levels and make sure they are sufficient for colder temperatures, even though the risk of freezing is lower in Florida.

2. Inspect your tires and consider switching to all-weather or winter tires if you plan on traveling to areas with colder weather.

3. Check your battery to ensure it’s in good condition and can handle the extra strain that colder temperatures can put on it.

4. Replace your wiper blades if they are worn, and make sure your wiper fluid is rated for freezing temperatures.

5. Keep an emergency kit in your car that includes items like a blanket, flashlight, extra clothing, and non-perishable snacks, just in case you find yourself in unexpected cold weather.

These are general tips to prepare your car for colder weather but keep in mind that the weather in Florida is generally mild. After all, that’s why we live here.

This is also a great time of year to let Total Recon give your car the cleaning and protection it needs for the winter months. Give us a call at (352) 314-9714

Author: Bruce